Cataract is the a kind of aged diseases. The lens in the eye becomes opaque and you find difficulty in seeing especially far objects.As the cataract becomes severe, you feel difficulty in even reading books.
The left is the image seen through normal eye, and the right is through cataract.
We perform outpatient cataract surgery since 1987. The features of our cataract surgery are as follows:
We do surgery in bio clean room where floaters are very few in the air to prevent contamination.
Patients recieve the consultation of an anesthesilolgist before surgery.
Adequate treatment will be done when patients feel some physical anxiety.
We usually use silicone monofocal IOL (intraocular lens).
It can be inserted through 2.5mm incision so minimum astigmatism will occur.
シリコン製眼内レンズ Silicone IOL
If you don’t want to wear glasses in daily life, multifocal lens is one of the choices. You can see both far and near things without glasses, but contrast will decrease more than monofocal lenses. Patients should meet the requirements below to have multifocal lense implantation.
Goverment insurance does not cover multifocal lens so extra 360,000 Yen is neccessary besides regular surgery fee.
多焦点レンズ Multifocal IOL
Astigmatism is one of the causes of double vision. You cannont see things clearly, and will be tired with astigmatic eye. So, strong astigmatism had better to be corrected.
乱視用眼内レンズ Toric IOL